This brief guide will provide instructions to Project Owner and Editors on how to use the screener tab in the respondent hub. The respondent hub in the Discuss platform allows project members to keep close track of various respondent activities, including video submissions and screener details, we will also cover how Moderators and observers can view the screener information from inside the meeting room.
Setting Screeners on Your Project
Let's explore the functionality of our screener tool, designed to simplify your recruitment process efficiently. Our screener tool supports the following elements:
Question Types Supported
- Multiple Choice, Single Select
- Multiple Choice, Multi Select
- Grid, Single Select per Row
- Free Text
Logic Supported
- Terminate Logic
- Skip Logic (Not Display Logic)
- Must Select - Multi Select Questions Only
Sections of the Screener
1. Start from a Template: At the top of the screener page, there is a dropdown to choose from a template. This currently only shows the Discuss standard template in English.
2. Total Quota: Determine the total number of screener completions required for your project and effortlessly monitor progress as responses accumulate. The screener will automatically close once the specified quota is reached, ensuring efficient management of participant engagement. By default, there’s a set limit of 15 responses stored per screener. This can be changed, you can write to us with the desired number at
3. Screener Introduction: This is a standard welcome message that references both the length of the interview as well as the incentive amount. Please read the intro and customize it for your project. You can use the pencil icon to make the field editable.
4. Demographics Questions: This section is where you ask demographic questions and will appear on the Demographics tab of the respondent profiles.
5. Screener Questions: This is where you ask study-specific questions. Add new questions at any time with the Add Question button.
6. Video Response Question: Here, you can define your video/auto tech check question. In the event of conducting solely an auto tech check without a complete screener, you'll find a generic project auto tech check link available. For instance, this link can be sent to pre-screened respondents.
You can change the video test question message to better suit your needs. To do that Click on the small pencil icon.
Here is how the question will appear to the respondent when they open their tech check link:
7. Screener Functionality: Drag and Drop
To drag and drop questions or answer options, click and hold the 6 dots to the left of the question card. With the mouse pressed down, drag the element where you wish it to be. If you are moving a question around, check for any skip logic you have put in place to ensure the logic is still correct.
8. Screener Functionality: Customized Question Display
You can have two versions of the same questions, to do that you will need to have a question before either version to separate the categories of participants. Depending on which option they select, they will be shown different questions further down the line. Here is an example:
9. Preview Screener: To preview how the screener will appear to a respondent, simply click the Preview Screener link located at the top right corner. This action will prompt a popup window where you can navigate through the screener as if you were a participant. Use the Next and Previous buttons at the top of the page to move between questions without having to complete the form.
10. Screener Approval: When ready to send a screener for review, click the Send for Review button at the top right. This will send an email to the project owner and any editors designated in the About/Settings section of the Overview page. Only project owners may approve a screener. Editors may make changes directly.
The email that project owners and editors receive will have a link to the screener. It will not have a Word doc attached. Project owners and editors will go into the app to view the screener logic and preview it as a respondent if they wish.
When the project owner or an admin clicks Approve Screener, they get a popup asking them to confirm and letting them know that recruitment will begin and changes made after this point may incur a fee.
11. Link to the Screener: When the screener has been approved, the link becomes live. The link can be copied and pasted into online panels, client communities, social media groups, email lists, etc.
How to View Respondent's Screener Information in the Respondent Hub
Now that you have started receiving screener responses you can view them from the respondent hub. To do that, you can start by logging into your Discuss account. Once you've accessed your dashboard, you'll see all the projects you're affiliated with.
Select the Relevant Project: From the list of projects on your dashboard, click on the specific project that the respondent is a part of.
Navigate to the Respondent Hub: Click on the 'Respondent Hub' tab, which gives you a detailed overview of all respondents associated with the project.
View the tech check status section: Look for the 'Tech check status' section of the targeted session. Click on the small play button adjacent to the respondent's name. This allows you to view detailed attributes of the submitted tech check, and screener information.
You will then be able to view the tech check information. Click on the "Screener" section as shown in the image below
Note: You have the option to bulk-add respondent information into the Respondent Hub by copying the data from a source like an Excel spreadsheet and pasting it directly into the hub. For a step-by-step guide on how to do this, click here.
How to View Respondent's Screener Information from the "Add/Edit Respondent" button:
How to Add New Columns to the Respondent Hub
You can start by navigating to the respondent hub section of your project, and clicking on the "Add/Edit Respondents" button :
Once in the Add/Edit Respondents view, click on "Add New Column", and name it as needed:
You will be able to enter the screener information for each respondent as shown below:
You can click on the "Save" button located in the top right corner of the screen to go back to the respondent hub view.
The screener information will not appear in the respondent hub view, it will appear directly in the meeting room.
How to Export All Respondent Data (Including Screener Answers) to an Excel File
1. Head to the 'Respondents' section of your project, and click the 'Respondent Hub' tab.
2. Click the 'Export Data' dropdown button at the top right of the page, then click 'All of your Respondents'.
3. Read and agree to the disclaimer about downloading respondent data by clicking 'Confirm Request'.
4. You can now open and use the downloaded Excel file.
Bulk Add Information to the Respondent Hub
You can bulk-add respondent information to the respondent hub, by copying it from the source and pasting it in the respondent hub.
NOTE: For successful bulk data pasting, your spreadsheet should have the same column structure as the add/edit module.
Go to your Excel file and select and copy the information you'd like to add to the respondent hub.
Now, you can navigate to the Add/Edit Respondents view, in your respondent hub:
Select an empty cell and press 'Control + V' on your keyboard to paste the information. If you're using a Mac, press 'Command + V' instead.
The information previously selected will be added to the respondent hub :
Make sure to click on the button "Done" located in the top right corner to save the changes.
Here is a video that contains best practices for recruiters and includes a video of how to bulk-add information in the respondent hub: Best Practices For Recruiters
How to View Respondent's Screener Information After the Session Has Ended
Navigate to the Completed Interviews tab: Click on the 'Completed Interviews' tab, which gives you a detailed overview of all interviews that took place on your project.
View the tech check status section: Look for the 'Tech check status' section of the targeted session. Click on the small play button adjacent to the respondent's name. This allows you to view detailed attributes of the submitted tech check, and screener information.
How to View Respondent's Screener Information Inside the Meeting Room:
After joining your session, you can click on "Show respondent info":
This will display the respondent's tech check information and screener information, as well as pre-work information if you've used that feature.
Note: The Pre-Work tab will also appear if you've assigned homework to the respondents through the pre-work feature. Here are relevant pre-work articles: Creating a Self Captures Activity.
Q & A
Can I add multiple screeners to the same project?
- No, currently, only one active screener is allowed per project.
Is there a limit on responses?
- By default, there is a preset limit of 15 responses stored per screener. However, this limit can be adjusted beyond 15 by reaching out to our customer care team at
Can I use the same screener in multiple languages?
- No. What you can do is wait until you've collected all responses in language 1, then edit the screener to language 2, and send the screener link to speakers of language 2. This process repeats for each additional language.