September 2023 Release Notes

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This month's article announces the new updates to Genie, Self Captures, and our machine transcription. We delve into best practices, showing how Discuss' Genie themes can help identify key video insights. Finally, we will announce upcoming enhancements to Genie. 


Genie Theme Enhancements 

Genie automagically creates summaries and themes to help you distill hours of unstructured video feedback quickly. Now themes will have detailed sub-bullets under each to aid in uncovering key insights. 


Explicit Content Filtering

When using Self Captures, you can now better manage your asynchronous research with the ability to filter out explicit content automatically. 


Self Captures Homework
You can now assign a Self Capture project as a homework activity. Whether you want to send before or after your live conversations, you can also track their homework progress in the respondent hub. 


Enhanced Transcription

Our updated transcription enables you to get better, higher-quality transcripts and generative AI summaries. These higher-quality machine transcripts help you to identify proper names, understand accents more easily, and much more.

Best Practices

How to use generative AI themes to uncover key video insights

Discuss' generative AI assistant, Genie, helps researchers turn hours of video and transcripts into insights in seconds but did you know Genie also highlights your project's top themes? When utilizing Genie in your research, you can use Genie themes to help you uncover key video insights faster. Simply use Discuss' auto-clipping tool to create video clips of your Genie themes.

Coming Soon

Genie Quotes 

Go further with your research with the ability to automatically identify key quotes from your live conversations.


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