Customize Interview Invites

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This brief guide will provide instructions on how to customize your interview invites, enabling you to include instructions in your invite. We will cover how to customize moderator, observer, and translator invites. 


By default, a calendar invite will be sent to all moderators added to the interview. Each invite will include the project name and interview name in the title and will include a link to enter the live interview. The following instructional text will also default in the body of the invite:


Getting Started

Head to your 'Overview' page in your project, and click the 'Invites' dropdown button.



Customizing Moderator Invites

Choose the 'Moderator Calendar Invite' option in the 'Invites' dropdown button.


A default template will appear in the dialogue. Edit the text as desired, and then click 'Save' to save any of your changes.

Note: Once the text for the moderator invite has been updated, this will update for all the moderator invites for all the interviews in the project. To reset to the default template, clear all the text and then click 'Save'.


Customizing Observer Invites

Choose the 'Observer Calendar Invite' option in the 'Invites' dropdown button.

A default template will appear in the dialogue. Edit the text as desired, and then click 'Save' to save any of your changes.



Note: Once the text for the observer invite has been updated, this will update for all the observer invites for all the interviews in the project. To reset to the default template, clear all the text and then click 'Save'.


Customizing Translator Invites

Choose the 'Translator Calendar Invite' option in the 'Invites' dropdown button.

A default template will appear in the dialogue. Edit the text as desired, and then click 'Save' to save any of your changes.


Note: Once the text for the translator invite has been updated, this will update for all the translator invites for all the interviews in the project. To reset to the default template, clear all the text and then click 'Save'.


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