Save Moment, Key Themes & Sentiment Analysis for Live Research

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Our suite of AI-powered tools helps researchers extract and save critical insights from customer conversations quickly and with ease. 


Save Moment & Tags

The save moment feature is available in every Interactive Meeting Room for Live Qual Research. In a discussion, Moderators and Observers can keep track of important points by clicking the Save Moment button in the upper right of the meeting room menu.

  • A click on the Save Moments button will :
  1. Bookmark the recording of the discussion
    • Moments saved by multiple people appear with a star. Hover over a saved moment to see who saved it.
  2. Generate a 30-second video clip, so you can quickly share and embed powerful sound bites in reporting and analysis.
    • Capture 15 seconds before and after that moment as a clip stored in your recordings for later. The length can be trimmed manually.
  3. Present a popup to allow moderators & observers to tag that saved moment

Rest assured that only you can see that you are saving the moment, this will not distract the respondent. 

  • Users have been using Save Moments for :
    • Tracking adverse events in healthcare studies for easy reporting and compliance - get the timestamp, the verbatim transcript, who saved the moment, and other critical information required in AE reporting.

    • Bookmarking when specific concepts are discussed - Our Discussion Guide feature allows for tracking interview questions, but if you just want to track when a stimulus is shown or a screens-share starts, save the moment so you can quickly find that point in the video in the future.

    • Saving a theme for use in a report - Agencies with end clients as observers are using Save the Moment to indicate themes or verbatim they want in a final report for the project

  • If you are interested in tagging : 
    • The tagging feature is optional, it will suggest to the user the 3 most popular tags within that project or allow the user to create a new tag on the fly.
    • After clicking a most used tag option, choosing one from the setup up tags in your project, or typing in a new tag when saving a moment, the moderator or observer will be prompted to ask if they would like to auto-clip all tags all moments around that tag in that continued session, and all future sessions within the project. Learn more about auto-clip
    • Choosing this option will not create clips around past recordings automatically. Once the session is over, a project member will need to return to the 'Manage Tags' dialogue uncheck then save, and then recheck that auto-clip box next to the tag you want to create content around and save again.



  • Easily Find Save Moments
    • All saved clips will be located in your project portal under the "Insights" & then "Recording Tab"
    • Observers won't be able to view their saved clips, unless they are added as viewer to your project.
    • Easily edit, share or download your Saved moments. By clicking the 3 dots on the lower right of the clip. For more on editing clips.


As a moderator, if you find tagging distracting, don't hesitate to disable this feature by clicking on the setting wheel located at the bottom right of the Discuss Interactive Meeting Room. This change will only affect your view & be saved as long as your browser cache is not cleared. 



Interesting Moments

In sessions where no moments have been saved, the system generates what we refer to as an "interesting moment" as a video clip for your review. These moments are identified based on speech patterns detected during the interview, highlighting where valuable insights may lie.

Unlike saved moments, interesting moments don't show up on the video timeline. You can easily delete them by hovering over the clip and clicking on the trash can icon that appears on the video tile.


Key theme finder & Auto-Clipping

Auto-generate video clips from any discussions or video uploaded to the Discuss platform based on pre-selected or new keyword tags.

Using tags will help focus on what your participants are saying and allowing you to concentrate on the flow of the conversation knowing that auto-clip will "save the moment" every time your set tag is said. Key themes can be set up by project owners, editors & collaborators.


  1. Log in to your Discuss account & select your desired project from your dashboard
  2. Click the 'Insights' tab and then choose the 'Tag Insights' tab.
  3. Click the 'Manage Tags' button on the top left corner of the 'Tag Insights' page.
  4. The button will take you to the 'Manage Tags' modal, where you can create, edit, delete, and more.
  5. Click the '+ New Tag' button at the top of the modal, to add a new tag. There will also be a current running total of tags on the project to the left of this button.
  6. Click auto-clip next to the tag you wish to set auto-generated clips for and then sit back and enjoy content created just for you in your next session!


  • Autoclipping also works retroactively and will be applied to previously recorded or uploaded videos.
  • To create clips around missed or needed content on the full recordings in your project, choose a word you would like to track within all of your recordings and follow the steps above to create more content!
  • Optionally, you can pin 3 of your tags to the meeting room. These topics will be available every time moderators or observers use the save moments features, making it easy to categorize insights.



Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is auto-generated through keyword detection in the transcription to understand the overarching tone of the text. Helping you pinpoint positive, neutral, negative, and mixed sentiment clips.

It is applied for Save Moments, Auto-Clip tags & Self Captures responses.

Sentiment tags can be edited by project owners, editors, and collaborators

Supported Languages for Sentiment Analysis

1. Arabic
2. Chinese, Mandarin (Simplified, China)
3. Chinese, Mandarin (Simplified, Hong Kong)
4. Chinese, Mandarin, Taiwanese (Traditional, Taiwan)
5. Chinese, Cantonese (Traditional, Hong Kong)
6. English
7. French
8. German
9. Hindi
10. Italian
11. Japanese
12. Korean
13. Portuguese
14. Spanish


Tags Categorization

By associating your tag with a category you assist in building out an automation library that will allow us to build out the content for you so you are spending less time doing that work yourself, and more time engaging with your participants.

  1. Click the 'Tag Manager' button in the top left-hand corner of the Tag Insights tab
  2. Click the 'Add Category' dropdown button next to the tag you wish to categorize and choose from a category listed. If your tag doesn't fit within the provided categories or you do not want to categorize it, you can add the 'none' option.




Edit, Merge or Delete Tags

In the Tag Manager, located under the Tag Insights tab of your project you can:

  1. Edit tags by clicking on the tag you wish to edit and changing the name
    • Editing the tag name will update the tag name on all the clips associated with it. Saving you time.
  2. Merge tags by clicking the tag name of the tag you wish to edit, and entering the name of the tag you want to merge it with.


  3. Delete tags by clicking the trash can icon button in each tagline.
    • If a tag does not display a trash can in line with the tag, it means that that tag has created clips associated with it, and cannot be deleted.
  4. Review tags that have been used in interviews and have clips associated with them, from the 'Interview' and 'Clip' columns next to each tag.

Preview Auto-Clip

This feature allows you to discover how many tags and clips will be generated from any keyword. It helps you choose tags and narrow your auto-clipping. 

Best Practices

  1. Tag verbatims that align with company objectives for the year - “sustainability,” “personalization,” etc
  2. Tag brand mentions, competitors, and alternatives discussed
  3. Tag research objectives for the specific project - “damaged hair,” “convenience,” “usability”
  4. Tag stimuli - “creative a,” “concept 2”
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