Edit, Duplicate or Delete Research Clips, Save Moments & Highlight Reels

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Project Owners, Editors, and collaborators have the ability to edit lenght, tags, sentiment analysis, duplicate or delete research clips including saved moments, auto-clip, Self Captures reponses, clips from Off-Platform Research and Higlight Reels

  • Click here to learn how to create research clips
  • Viewers can see clips but can't edit, duplicate or delete them


For every Research Clips, Saved Moments, Auto-Clip & Highlight Reels a 3-dot menu provides the option to trim, edit, duplicate or delete the video.

Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 19.25.00.png

Trim Length

You can trim clips and highlight reels from using the video timeline or provide transcript.

  1. Navigate to the "Insights tab" from your project overview page and click "Recordings", "Tag Insights" or "Highlight Reels".
  2. Locate your desired clip below the main recordings or the highlight reel tab and look for the 3-dot menu of the clip.
  3. Click on "trim clip" to trim the clip. The following pop-up will appear.
  4. Change the length of the clip or a certain part by adjusting the blue elliptical controls 
  5. Once you are happy with the edit click Save
    • Alternatively, In the pop-up, you'll see the transcript associated with the clip. Drag the clip on the transcript from the part you'd like the clip to start at to the part you'd like the clip to stop at.

The modified clip will now replace the original clip. You will need to complete this process for each clip.






Trimming Self-Captures Video Responses

Trimming a Self Captures video response that has been added to the 'Highlight Reels' page must be trimmed on the 'Highlight Reels' page or on the 'Tag Insights' page in the same process as above. The video responses on the 'Tag Insights' page will only appear there if a tag is associated with that video response.


Note: If you plan on trimming more than one part of the clip to use in your highlight reel, duplicate the clip first to avoid having to go back to send over another one of the same clip to be edited. To learn more about duplicating clips, click here.


Edit Sentiment Analysis, Transcripts, Tags & Name

Each research clips, saved moment, highlight reel and Self Captures video responses with audio detected will be automatically assign a sentiment analysis. 

You can edit the sentiment analysis, name & tags:

  1. Head to your Tag Insights, Recordings or Highlight Reels tab
  2. Click directly on the clip
  3. The new editing modal will appear allowing you to edit the clip
    • Rename the clip by clicking the text box at the top right-hand side. After updating the name of your clip simply click outside of the text box for the changes to be made
    • Edit Sentiment Analysis by clicking the drop-down menu to change to your desired sentiment. 
    • Edit Tags by clicking on the tag field to select an existing tag or add a new tag by typing in the text field 
    • Edit Transcripts by clicking on the edit button on the right side of the video. Enter the changes required into the text box and click on save



  1. Navigate to the "Insights tab" from your project overview page and click "Recordings", "Tag Insights" or "Highlight Reels".
  2. Locate your desired clip below the main recordings or the highlight reel tab and look for the 3-dot menu of the clip.
  3. Click on "duplicate clip
  4. Review duplicate clip with the same tile with 'Copy:' in form of the title.




Clicking the Delete Clip from the drop-down menu will start the process to delete the clip. Click "Delete" if you would like to delete the clip. Please note this action cannot be undone.






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