How to Edit the Length and Name of an Interview

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The interview duration and name may be edited from the overview page or the calendar tab.


How to Edit the Length and Name of an Interview

Click on "ID ******" for the interview you want to adjust the duration of



The edit dialogue appears:


You can enter/edit the desired interview name:

Click the drop-down arrow beside "Additional Settings"


Click the drop-down tab for "Interview Duration"


Select the desired duration and hit save.


Edit interview duration from The Calendar

Simply click on the interview you want to adjust the duration of. The edit dialogue will pop up. TIP click on the time of the interview in the calendar NOT the plus sign. Clicking on the plus sign will create a new interview rather than edit the current one.

The edit dialogue appears:


Click the drop-down arrow beside "Additional Settings"


Click the drop-down tab for "Interview Duration"


Select the desired duration and hit save.

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