How to control mobile or tablet access for the meeting room

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This article includes instructions on enabling/disabling mobile and tablet access in your project. Project editors and owners will all have access to modify this setting.


If you've encountered issues with participants joining from mobile or tablet devices when computer access is required, look no further. Managing this setting within your project allows you to enable/block respondents attempting to join with a mobile device or tablet, ensuring adherence to your research needs.


Enable/Disable Mobile or Tablet access

  1. Navigate to your project dashboard and click the settings icon.
  2. Locate the "Require Respondents to Participate via Computer" under the Respondent settings section and click inside the checkbox to enable the "Restrict Observer Audio" feature. 

  • Ensure the tick box is NOT selected to allow respondents to join via a mobile device or tablet.
  • Observers will be able to enter with a mobile device for all sessions whether the setting is turned on or off.



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