In this article, you will learn how to easily translate and send respondent requests and invites in your desired language from the respondent hub using Google Translate.
Navigate to the Respondent Hub Tab
Click "Notify & Invite" and select your desired request or invite.
Your selection will appear with a default template.
Click the "Create new" button.
Select "Duplicate Template"
Our new template has now been created.
Rename your new template.
To save the name of the template simply click outside of the text box.
Select and copy the text fields.
Navigate to Google Translate by opening it in a new tab in your browser and select the language you wish to translate to.
TOP TIP - Click the drop-down arrow to select or search for your desired language.
Paste the text field to translate.
Click the "Copy Translation" button
Navigate to the respondent hub template and paste the translated text field into the new template.
Follow the same steps to complete the rest of the template.
Complete Greek Tech Check Request Template.
To send the new template tick the box next to the respondents email address. The "Send" button will now be available. You can also cc yourself on the email.
How Does This Look When Received by the Respondent?
Inbox view
Email view