Whiteboard Snapshot

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Whiteboard snapshots allow moderators to take an image of the markup that respondents have completed before erasing the markup and moving to the section of the session. The whiteboard snapshot button creates an image that can be found in the recordings tab under the full video recording.


Save Whiteboard Snapshot

During Live Research, moderators & observers can take whiteboard snapshot when a stimuli is being shared. The option is located in the virtual collaborative whiteboard. Learn more here


Identify Respondent Whiteboard Colors 

To identify your respondents choice of whiteboard color in the recordings:

  1. Navigate to the"Insights" tab and then click "recordings"
  2. Click the pencil icon on the desired recording.
  3. You will then see the color each respondent used to draw on the whiteboard during the live meeting.


Download your Whiteboard Snapshot

To download your Whiteboard Snapshot :

  1. Navigate to the Recording tab of your project
  2. Click on the "Whiteboard Snapshots" tab below your recordings
  3. Select the desired image.
  4. Hover over the Snapshot you wish to download, a purple arrow will appear in the lower left of the image click this arrow to start the download.
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