Discuss Live Meeting Room Overview

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Discuss is an online market research platform specializing in conducting qualitative research studies.

It provides a virtual environment for researchers to connect with participants worldwide and engage in in-depth interviews, focus groups, and usability testing.


Here's a quick introduction to the features of our virtual meeting room & 5 roles : 

  • Moderator
  • Observer
  • Respondent
  • Simultaneous Translator
  • Consecutive Translator



More Information about the moderator interface can be found in the moderator guide.



Observers cannot be seen nor heard in the main room and don’t need to have a discuss account to join.


  • Can select the language in a simultaneous translation session with the toggle button on the lower left
  • Can adjust their input settings with the settings cog on the lower right
  • Can select computer for web audio input or phone dial-in on Device settings
  • Can see the discussion guide but cannot check items off
  • Can see polls when revealed by the moderator
  • Can see the public chat but cannot use it
  • Can use the backroom and private chat - can initiate a private chat with anyone except the respondents
  • Can see respondent markups as they appear (without the moderator revealing it)
  • Can use the save moment button
  • Can utilize the help button
  • Can see takeaways if they use the end/exit button

Learn more about the observer role


Simultaneous Translator

Simultaneous translators will join the session once the moderator or support joins. They need to log in to their discuss account and will join with audio-only. Observers and support will hear their simultaneous translation.


  • Can mute microphone via control button on the bottom bar
  • Can speak to main room participants (moderator/respondents) by clicking on the push to talk button
  • Can see the discussion guide but cannot check items off
  • Can adjust their input settings with the settings cog on the lower right
  • Can select computer for web audio input or phone dial-in in device settings
  • Can see and use backroom, public, and private chat
  • Can create a private chat with moderator and support but not with observers nor respondents
  • Can utilize the help button

Learn more about simultaneous translation


Consecutive Translator

Consecutive translators will join the session once the moderator or support joins. They need to log in to their discuss account and will join with their microphone and camera on.


  • Can mute the microphone and turn the video off via the control button on the bottom bar
  • Can see the discussion guide but cannot check items off
  • Can adjust their input settings with the settings wheel
  • Can select computer for web audio input or phone dial-in in device settings modal
  • Can see and use backroom, public, and private chat
  • Can create a private chat with moderator and support but not with observers nor respondents
  • Can utilize the help button
  • Can enable blurred background for privacy

Learn more about consecutive translation



Respondents will need to enter their details (name, email, and phone number) to join the session. They will first need to be invited by the moderator or support to the room and will join with audio and video on.


  • When the session isn’t underway, respondents cannot control their microphone/camera. They need to request the moderator or support to turn it on. Once the session is underway and the recording is on, respondents can control their microphone and camera when needed
  • Can adjust their input settings with the settings cog on the lower right
  • Can use the public chat
  • Can initiate a private chat with support only
  • Can use whiteboard tools but cannot see other respondent markups unless revealed by the moderator
  • Cannot see nor use the help button
  • Can use End/Exit to leave the meeting room
  • Can enable blurred background for privacy

Learn more about Respondent Features


Blurred Background Feature

Before joining a live session, you can select your video devices and opt to blur your background. This feature is essential for maintaining impartiality, objectivity, and privacy—especially crucial in healthcare research. This feature works for Chromium browsers (Chrome and Edge) and NOT with non-chromium-based browsers like Safari or on IOS.

Blurred backgrounds provide a customized interview experience that enables the privacy of any background content. Mitigate worries regarding personal identifying information (PII) in the background by easily concealing it with the click of a button. You can also access the blurred background feature through the settings cog during the session to make real-time adjustments. Every change is reflected in the recording, transparently showing when the background was blurred or revealed.


Meeting Room Limitation

While the platform doesn't have a hard limit regarding how many respondents and moderators can join the meeting room, we recommend limiting their number to a reasonable amount to ensure a great experience on the platform and with live technical support.

For observers, we recommend limiting to 40 observers.

For archiving,  the platform allows for archiving 16 streams per session. Eg. moderator + respondent + live support + stim/screen share = 4 streams archived


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